 It is in a way a soap, so there is going to be multiple story lines, but if you have even half a decent attention span this will be no problem. It is a history lesson of how things were not so long ago and pan am season 1 dvd  how women had to put up with crap just to do their jobs. But, for me it is a thrill of an era that opened doors.

When the jets became part of commercial flying the world changed. It was exciting! Being able to go to another country in a matter of hours. Meeting and seeing people from foreign countries you would never imagine getting to do.

As for the pilots being too young, that is true. Especially handling the new jets. I just ignored that.

The music is great. The period clothes are on the money. The pride of being a stewardess was right on. The first episode was very enjoyable and I hope that it continues and has great success.


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